English 46C Reading Schedule

Instructor: Dr. John Stenzel

Schedule of Readings--First Half of the Quarter

4 April, Roll, Info sheet, Intro to books and format of class, Diagnostic info sheet
6 April

Tennyson: Mariana, Ulysses, The Lotos-Eaters, Morte d'Arthur
FitzGerald, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Mill, What is Poetry?
Start reading Hardy, Far From the Madding Crowd*
11 April

Tennyson, Idylls (Pelleas) [Photocopy], Crossing the Bar
E. Browning, Sonnets fm Portuguese 21-2, 32, 43, Aurora Leigh (selections)
Macauley, from A Review of Southey's Colloquies
13 April

R. Browning, Porphyria's Lover, Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister, My Last Duchess,
Home-Thoughts (both), Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came, Fra Lippo Lippi
Carlyle, selections from Sartor Resartus, French Revolution
18 April

Browning, Caliban upon Setebos, Rabbi Ben Ezra
Arnold, Growing Old [On Pelleas photocopy], Scholar Gypsy,
Dover Beach, Study of Poetry (browse), Thyrsis***
Darwin, Descent of Man [selections]
Ruskin, Stones of Venice, Storm-Cloud of the 19th Century
20 April

C. Rossetti, sampling + Uphill, Goblin-Market
D.G. Rossetti, sampling + Blessed Damozel, My Sister's Sleep, House of Life
Meredith, Modern Love [selections]

25 April

Hopkins section in the Norton, but pay particular attention to:
God's Grandeur, The Windhover, Pied Beauty, Binsey Poplars, Dun Scotus's Oxford,
I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark, Not Day
Lewis Carroll, Jabberwocky, and Humpty's Explication of Jabberwocky
Rossetti sonnet
27 April

Paper 1 Due!
Catch up / Review
2 May

Swinburne, Ave Atque Vale (1631)
Pater, selections from The Renaissance(1636-44)
Industrialism: Progess or Decline? section (1696-1718)
4 May

Dowson, Cynara, They Are Not Long, Carthusians (1894)
Mary E. Coleridge, The Other Side of a Mirror, The Witch (1861)
Kipling, Danny Deever, Widow at Windsor, The Ladies, Recessional (1888)
Wilde, Preface to The Picture of Dorian Gray (1760)
9 May

Midterm Exam**
(Blue books not needed)
11 May

Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest (1761)

*Note: By the time the first essay is due (April 27), you should have read the first 16 chapters of Hardy!

**Note: By the midterm (May 9) you should have read up through Chapter 32 of Hardy. By the end of the following week (May 18) you should be finished with the book.

***Please note that Arnold's Thyrsis was announced as an addendum in class the week prior to the midterm! Furthermore, note that I narrowed several of the longer prose selections in class on May 4th.

Last updated: 8 May 2000