Demystifying the Dissertation Interest Information

Please use this form to indicate your intent to take this 298; even if you cannot attend this rendition of the course, please take the time to record your interest, so that we can persuade the administration to fund future iterations.

We are also now offering graduate writers drop-in office hours with trained Program lecturers according to the current schedule.

1. Contact Information:

First Name:

Last Name:

Preferred E-mail address:

Department or Grad Group:

2. To give me a clearer idea of whom to expect and when, check any or all that apply:
I definitely plan to attend the class for Sciences / Engineering students on odd Thursdays beginning week 3 (Jan 21).    

I definitely plan to attend the class for Humanities / Social Sciences students on even Thursdays beginning week 4 (Jan 28).    

I would definitely take this class if it were offered in summer / fall / next year.    

I won't be attending the class, but now that I know about the drop-in writing consultations, I plan to use them in the near future.    

I would like to encourage the ESL / Linguistics Program to offer more graduate-level language-skills courses specifically tailored to non-native speakers of English. If one were offered soon, I'd take it.    

3. Stage in the Writing Task--check all that apply:

Still searching for topic   

Drowning in research / data, need to start writing   

Several chapters done, but need to refine   

Almost done, need help editing and polishing   

Other (please briefly describe):  
If you have additional comments or suggestions, please send me an e-mail,

Please press the "SUBMIT REQUEST" button to send your information. Only press "CLEAR FORM" if for some reason you want to erase all of your info before leaving the computer.

Thank you for using this online information form. If you encounter problems with this form, please do not hesitate to call John Stenzel, (530) 752-1954, as we are still working the kinks out of this technology.
Last updated: January 13, 2010