John Stenzel
English 180, Fall 2005
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We're down to the last week of classes--two more books, then a review and wrap-up next Friday! This e-mail contains info on:For those of you who want another crack at Journal 2, try this on for size. We have been adults (biologically at least) reading children's literature all quarter, and here is a telling of the Red Riding Hood story that is not at all for children (how do we know?). Using the techniques of reading and analysis we have been learning all quarter, let's consider Thurber's version as his little essay about the Red Riding tradition, his comment on the story and its fundamental precepts. In an analytical essay about the Thurber parody and your experience of it, try to articulate clearly and insightfully the ways in which your way of reading this selection has changed between the first day of class and the tenth week of the quarter. What do you pick up on now that you didn't before? What aspects seem more problematic or intriguing now than they were at the beginning of the quarter? Why? How have other readings changed the ways you see this reading?
- Optional revision opportunity
- Journal 5 due date for Narnia film
- Optional early final exam date
As always, be specific, grammatical, and efficient; above all, engage the language and style of the piece. You may choose to inform your argument with references to the Grimm and Perrault versions, but we will show no patience with essays that summarize the three plots or simply rehash Journal 2. If you want credit on this, e-mail it to by Monday December 12.
A couple of you asked me if you could re-do Journal 1 instead, having done well enough on J2. I will open this revision option up to include Journal 1 as well, but only if you apply the extra insights I outlined above, namely, you will enrich your essay with insights you have gained from your reading this quarter: what do you pick up on now that you didn't in your first re-visitation? How have other readings and discussions changed the way you experience this work?
For those of you doing your Journal 5 film review on the Narnia movie that will debut on Friday the 9th, you may have until Monday December 12 as well. Yes, that means you don't have a lot of time--but it'll be fresh. Do not push past midnight on this, please--that week is going to be hectic enough.
Finally (so to speak): for those of you eager to get a jump on Christmas vacation, I have secured a room and time for an early final exam: 206 Olson has been reserved for Monday, December 12 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Otherwise, the regular time is Thursday Dec 15, 1:30-3:30 in our regular room. As with the midterm, no blue books necessary.
Thanks for your hard work this quarter--I am really appreciating the quality of the discussion and the numbers of people getting involved.