English 46C Homepage
This serves as a no-frills resource for students in my English 46C--British Literature Since 1832 course in Spring Quarter, 2000.
Here is the list of resources avaliable on line:
[Just added]
Optional "Quiz 4" Make-up Exercise--Imitation / Adaptation
First Day Information Sheet
First Half Reading Schedule
Assignment 1, Close Reading and Paraphrase
"Some Helpful Hints on Essay Writing"
"Sentence Revision Demo, from Office Hours 5/10"
"Grading Criteria"
Sample Midterm Exam--From my last 46B
Second Half Reading Schedule
Assignment 2, Prose Analysis and Explication
Portal to the On-line Chats for Enl 46C
Transcript of first chat session--Tuesday night, w/o John
Transcript of second chat session--Wednesday night, with John
Last updated: 6 June 2000