John Stenzel
English 180, Fall 2005
Course home
These journal exercises are designed to get you reading actively, writing freely, and thinking critically about the readings and about the topics of the course more generally. They're graded on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 the highest, and we'll try to have some extra credit options available for people who want to improve the scores given by heartless leaders. I've developed a set of grading standards for these journal assignments that mirrors the standards I use in other classes. Because I expect students in upper-division English classes to show some command of sentence skills, I've posted a couple of items that you should read and understand:Please note that clarifications and schedule changes may be made, and that you are responsible for keeping up with these changes as the quarter progresses.
- Some guidelines for strengthening your sentences
- Some examples of sentence strengthening using these guidelines
- Journal Exercise 1--Icebreaker Essay
E-mailed to your discussion leader (as designated) by noon Sunday, October 9th, or earlier.
- Journal Exercise 2--A Tale Retold and Transformed
E-mailed to your discussion leader (as designated) by noon Thursday, October 20th, or earlier.
- Journal Exercise 3--Sample Midterm Questions and Answers
E-mailed to me (John) with your house name in the subject line, by midnight Tuesday, November 1st, or earlier.
- Samples of the style of midterm questions I ask, taken from a Shakespeare class I taught a few years ago.
- Journal Exercise 4--Play Time is Serious Business
E-mailed to me (John) with your house name in the subject line, by midnight Tuesday, November 22nd, or earlier.
- Journal Exercise 5--Film Fun
E-mailed to me (John) with your house name in the subject line, by noon Saturday, December 10, or earlier. For those doing the Narnia movie that comes out Friday the 9th, you have until Monday the 12th to get me that review. Here's the text of the e-mail I sent out about the optional revision, Narnia film, and early final exam